Expertise of industrial safety of hazardous production objects

Expertise of industrial safety of hazardous production objects

The company "BEK Consulting" LLP provides services to conduct an objective, independent examination of industrial safety. This event involves a comprehensive monitoring of real estate, equipment and documentation with the subsequent drafting of an appropriate act.

What is subject to industrial safety examination

  • Buildings and buildings (factories, combines, overpasses, workshops, warehouses, etc.).
  • Project documentation for technical re-equipment, liquidation or conservation of hazardous production facilities.
  • Technical devices and equipment (pressure vessels, boilers, pumps, tanks, pipelines, etc.).

Why to cooperate with "BEK Consulting" LLP is profitable

  • Efficiency in conducting industrial safety expertise.
  • The procedure fully complies with the regulatory requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Legitimacy of the given conclusions.
  • Modern ultra-precise equipment guarantees the validity of measurements.
  • Real help when registering opinions.
  • The presence of its own laboratory reduces the time of research and guarantees the confidentiality of information.

So, it is required to conduct an industrial safety audit of hazardous production facilities? Feel free to contact the specialists of BEK Consulting LLP right now!

+7 (7122) 20-80-92

+7 708 420-80-92

г. Атырау, пр. Тайманова, 2а