Minimum fire safety requirements

Minimum fire safety requirements

A competent organization of fire safety conditions at the factory guarantees the safety of the property and the integrity of the property. Knowledge of the fire-technical minimum requirements and unquestioning compliance with these regulations by employees of the organization minimizes the risk of fire. Every specialist of the company is obliged to learn to act consciously and rationally in the event of a fire.

Instantly determine the only correct algorithm of actions for saving colleagues, documents and property of the organization will teach coaches of "BEK Consulting" LLP in courses on teaching the basics of fire-technical minimum.

Author's methods of qualified, experienced teachers of the center will help quickly master the concept of fire-technical minimum in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Accessibility, informative and clear presentation of rules and axioms of actions will allow the listener to take the right decision without delay in a dangerous situation, and most importantly, apply the knowledge gained in practice. Training courses in the fire-technical minimum will be useful for both enterprise managers and ordinary employees who are constantly in an explosive environment.


  • Fire-technical minimum for managers, responsible and engineering workers
  • Responsible person for fire safety
  • Fire-technical minimum for working personnel

+7 (7122) 20-80-92

+7 708 420-80-92

г. Атырау, пр. Тайманова, 2а